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CraftChat stands by its customers.

Available on Website, Facebook, Instagram and LINE

A realtime chat tool is more powerful than email and phone calls as sales tool. Integrating with social platforms increases exposure to customers and raises awareness.

Push Messages

You can send push messages, campaigns and additional information to your customers based on last interactions and funnel they are currently at.

* Additional charges may apply depending on each SNS.

Slice and Dice Customer Data

We have provided you a powerful tools to manage metadata (automated and manual) for your customers and leads. Funnel your leads based on the metadata and their actions taken on the bot. This allows you to target events and actions based on the metadata and actions.

Make Ads Perform Better

With Social ads, you can increase awareness around your product and promotions. You can integrate these ads with powerful workflows and concrete actions with our bots. Get analytics and better call to actions and make your ad perform better.

Please contact us for any questions.

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